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"Cool it Fatima, I mean really, you seem to be trying to force me into sexually molesting you, and I have more respect for someone of your great abilities." I told her, as Fatima backed away from her being close to me.
"Yes, thank you, I would appreciate us taking this all a bit slower. I was not expecting an orgy with you. i like you and that is the truth, but you react as impatient for me to begin mating, the brute style of animal sex is not my style, just my fantasy.
If in due time we were to mate, you being halfway to being a Bison cow, then I would need be as much a Bison bull. I am tantilized by just looking at you, your changed body is alluring indeed.
Yet, even as you are to me as beautiful, my fantasy wish would be to mate or breed in the same manner a born Bison bull would mount, thrust, and inseminate a Bison cow."
Unbeknown to me then, Fatima was hanging on my every word, she waiting to trip me up, and say a wish, specifying of my unholy wish to become by her power as be an animal. Fatima was listening, while I was trying to explain my hornier thoughts. After I had specified my "Unholy wish," she began the degrading of my human self to become my beastly new self.
She spoke about her previous Masters and I became enthralled with listening, not paying any attention to my physical body as then changing.
Fatima was subtle, her magic came in waves, as first my human skin began to darken in hue, while becoming dense, leathery, equal to dealing with the brutal weather of the Black hills of South Dakota. All the while she spoke to me, I was not noticing how much of me continued changing. She had me acting as intensely listening to what she did to make two of her previous Master find their lusty desire from mating as do horses, the Master being the stallion.
Bison body fur began to sprout, as caused me toitch and scratch, but never did I suspect Fatima was doing what she was to me!
An hour or two passed and she continued to prattle about her other Masters, as this fool Master set there being her fool. My skull and head was almost completely transitioned to that of a Bull Bison, while my neck and shoulders gained muscular mass. Her manner of changing a fool human continued, causing my human legs to conform, giving me hocks to replace heels, and cloven hoofs replacing my toes.
As my body swelled and grew, so did my rump, pelvis, muscles, and then the sproutng of a Bison tail. It was the sudden sharp pain of my tail growing to its fruition what startled me. I suddenly took note that my physical body was not human. I had become as a bovine my body, with hind legs, hooves, a brute beast of a torso, and a neck so massive it could hold up my huge Bison bullish head.
I stood up, rising to stand on all fours, my arms almost then as forelegs, but having still my human hands and fingers to feel as touch and help me fornicate with Fatima.
"No, no, no, what have you done to me," was what I thought to say, but what I did say sounded even to me like some brute male animal, would wish to ask of a Genie.
"You suggested your fantasy was you wishing to come and mate with me if you were a Bison bull, bodily. As I have changed to give you your fun fling with a Bison cow, I arranged your body to be equal to the task of mating with me. I think your transformation came along quite well, as seeing you makes me feel horny. I think I could learn to love your being for me as a stud bull.
The day was long and your bullish cock has gained mass, girth, and length. If you want you may take me now, or wait until dawn, as by then we should both be feeling exceptionally horny.
Oh yes, you expanding bull penis says that twenty plus inches of maleness is wanting to try what it feels to sink in deep, as thrusting, until ejaculation happens in a might flow."
Fatima was right, I was feeling horny, and my erection stood stiff, as stouter of length, urging me to accept becoming to being permanently a Bison bull!
Written by AdobeFats
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