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Fatima was as true to her words as she was in her actions. My finding and meeting of such a mgical woman bade to curse me, and not grant me power or a satisfaction above or beyond what I had from living my everyday life.
All was providential from higher powers that what was born a human should during his lifetime lose his humanity and prefer being then as is a brute and dumb beast. What fears lie ahead, and to what shall become of a man changed, becoming a bovine, he a Bull, and of the Bison breed.
From what Fatima organized that she would do to defer her captivity from the bottle what held her bound. She devised for me a mystic as magical possibility, something real while dire to my weakest portion, that being my sense of lust.
Biblicly reminded, of what I read that Christ said, "As if a man were to gain the whole world and lose his immortal soul, as burn in Hell," was my gaining twenty-four inches of cock, cloven hoofs, body fur, a tail, and the lifestyle of a brute grazing animal, really worth what was considered as lost?
Indeed, as Fatima did hope for the likes of me, I became a herd-sire Bison bull, relentless with my brute desire of mating, breeding, desiring the sensations from sex, mating beast upon beast until death shows its evil head. Lost is what as a human I strived to gain, to own, to call as mine.
Ahead of me lies wide pastures, green and browning, sun bake tundra, uncounted meals of eating the pasture's bounty. As with all that food comes too the insects, vermin, and vile lifestyle living by brute beasts. My bowels puke forth cud chewn grasses that leave the body as vile green liquid poo, as much trundles over my muscular rump, as draws flies, they eat, bite, and become an endless bother.
Summer heels to heat and insects, as does fall the bugs cease and rain drenches to clean before winter comes to dull the mind and all the senses. As will spring renew to sensations and give arousals galore. As the whole of non-merciful a lifestyle begins anew, is to me as maddening!
Fatima left me and went on her own way, leaving what was thought to be a sensual fun thing, is in fact a recursor of what to expect when sent into Hell. In retrospect, what seemed a fun wish, is by fact a dark existence, of dense fur, body sweat, and body wastes, and this is fun?
Written by AdobeFats
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