Text:Benefit (Children
of Gaia): Add 1 to either the Damage or Block
number of this card. If your opponent's Combat card in this
round is Rage 2 or lower, your opponent cannot play a Rage
3 or higher Combat card this round.
Text: You can play an additional
defense card to block the damage from your opponent's
Combat card this round. After you have chosen to play the
additional card or not, your opponent can react to any
damage you deal with any Speed defense card.
Text: Add 1 to the Rage
cost of your first attack or defense card next
round. If you play a flex or any other Combat
card next round, the Rage cost is unaffected.
Flavor: "The
Wendigo had us pinned at the Hoover Dam. Nowhere
to run, no hope for help. We stood our ground and
howled our defiance, though we knew doom was upon
us." -Freiede
Text:Benefit (Black
Furies) Damage Effect: If your opponent is Male,
he discards a random Combat card and replaces it with
one card of your choice from his Combat discard.
Text: If you take no damage this
round, your opponent cannot play a card next round.
Flavor: "If some of those
dolts would acquire a mere morsel of understanding of the
benefits of even primitive technology, the Garou Nation
would be far more potent." - Arthur Getty
Text:Benefit (Galliard):
If your opponent dies this round and your Garou survives combat, put
the top two cards of your Sept deck into your Victory Pile, where each
is worth 1 Renown. Benefit (Lupus Galliard): +1 Damage.
(Wendigo or Theurge): If your opponent's
first card played in this round had a Rage higher
than 2, your opponent loses Rage equal to the
difference between 2 and the Rage cost of that
Text: If your opponent's
attack card does 5 or more damage (before damage
effects), Duck Killer Blow blocks all damage to
you this round; otherwise it blocks no damage.
Text: If you don't discard a Combat card
before you choose to play Eye Gouge, Eye Gouge does no damage. Damage Effect: Your opponent must play his first
Combat card in the next round of this combat randomly.
Text:Benefit (Female):
If your opponent plays a counterattack, Feminine Wiles blocks 2
points of the counterattack and your opponent must discard an
attack or flex card.
Flavor: "Why, you wouldn't hit a
lady, now, would you, Fin?" - Lolita
Text: If your opponent's
Combat card was higher than Rage 1, your
combatant gains 2 Rage and you reduce the base
damage of your opponent's current attack to 2 if
it is higher than 2.
Text: Follow Through
does 1 extra point of damage if you didn't take
damage last round.
You may not play Follow Through during the first
round of any combat.