(Bone Gnawers): If you take no damage
this round, your taunting causes your opponent to
lose 3 Rage. You may only play one Scornful Laugh
per combat.
Text: If you have initiative
next round and you took no damage this round, your next
attack card gains +1 Damage. You can only play one Set
'Em Up per combat.
Text: You may only play
1 Sewer Lid per combat. Benefit (Bone Gnawers): Each
time an opponent does damage to you in combat
rounds after this one, your opponent takes 1
damage as well. Your opponent may react to this
(Ragabash): If you take no damage this
round, name a Combat card. Your opponent may not
play the named card nor a copy of any card that
he has already played during this combat for the
remainder of this combat.
Text:Benefit (Uktena or
Children of Gaia): The Block number equals 5 minus
the Umbra level. It cannot be less than 1.
You can only play one Spirit Block per combat.
Flavor: "Calm cannot abide
violence -- or vice versa." - Old Oak
Text: If you take no damage this round,
your opponent takes 1 unblockable wound for each piece of
Fetish Equipment he has, if the Umbra level is
3 or higher.
Text: After cards are
revealed in this round, you may play an
additional defense or flex card. Add the block of
the new card to this one before applying damage.
The second card's text effects work as normal.
Text:Benefit (Iron
Riders): This character can play an additional
Rage 2 or less attack card after both players reveal their
Combat cards this round, adding the Damage of the second card
to this card's Damage. You can only play one Strength of
Steam per combat.
Flavor: "He blew his stack. It's
the only way to describe it." - Simon
(Wendigo): This is unblockable if your
opponent just passed on playing an attack card
last round. If this attack is unblockable, combat
ends after this round.
Flavor: "...then
she threw the Fenris off the Dam and into the
generators..." -Talks-to-Spirits
Text: If your opponent
played a Rage 2 or 3 card this round, you retain
the initiative next round.
The first attack card played in the next round of
combat does +1 damage.
(Wendigo): If your opponent has
initiative in the next round, he must tell you
the Rage cost of the first card he will play next
round before you pick your card.
Flavor: "Wendigo
don't fight... they cheat!" -Friede
Text: If you are fighting in the Umbra,
Umbral Stop blocks damage equal to your opponent's Gnosis minus
the current Umbral level. You can only play one Umbral Stop per
Flavor: "A finger and a look is
all it takes." - Sleeping Brook
(Red Talons): This card's base damage
equals the base damage of your opponent's last
attack card played in this combat. If this is
played before your opponent plays an attack card,
the damage is 1.
(Silent Striders): Discard the top card
of your Combat deck. This card's base block is
changed to the discarded card's base Rage cost.
You may only play 1 Well Prepared per combat.
Flavor: "...I'm
singin' along when suddenly some Gnawer's beatin'
on me. So I stops and says, 'Okay, here goes:
"ouch." Feel better?' Then we got it
on..." -Fireclaw
Text:Block all damage from Rage 3
and higher Combat cards. This card also deals damage to your opponent
equal to 1 less than the base damage on the card played against you.
Your opponent may react to this damage.
If your opponent played a Rage 3 or higher card,
this card blocks all damage and deals damage to your opponent equal
to 1 less than the base damage on the card played against you. Your
opponent can react to this damage.
Effect: If your opponent is a Wyrm character,
the Umbra moves down a point. Benefit (Children of Gaia):Cleansing Strike
Wyrm Cutting does +1 Damage
if used against a Wyrm.
Text: If you take no damage this round,
your opponent must discard all counterattack cards in his Combat
This card blocks 2 extra points from Kick attacks.
Flavor: "Fineous put Betty down,
clutching her leg like Joe Theisman." - Gordon Goffe